How to join

The annual membership fee for members is £10 (£15 for a couple), plus an additional £1 paid on the door each time you attend.  Our year runs from January to December.  The visitor (non-member) fee is £5, paid at the door for each talk.

The simplest way to join the Society is to come along one Thursday at 2.15 and go to the membership desk. There you can complete the membership form and pay £10 + £1 (cash or cheque). This means that you become a member immediately and need not pay the £5 visitor charge.  You may join at any meeting.

If you would like to pay by BACS transfer or cheque in the post, please write to the Membership Secretary and you will be sent a membership form with details of what to do next.  If you have any further questions about membership, please contact the Membership Secretary at the email address below: